- Heckman, C. W., 2002. Encyclopedia of South American Aquatic Insects: Ephemeroptera: Illustrated Keys to Known Families, Genera, and Species in South America [1 ed.]. Springer Netherlands, 419 pp. GET
- Heckman, C. W., 2003. Encyclopedia of South American Aquatic Insects: Plecoptera: Illustrated Keys to Known Families, Genera, and Species in South America [1 ed.]. Springer Netherlands, 329 pp. GET
- Dominguez, E., C. Molineri, M. L. Pescador, M. D. Hubbard & C. Nieto, 2006. Ephemeroptera of South America (Aquatic Biodiversity of Latin America). Pensoft, Sofia–Moscow, 646 pp. GET